
WackAttack CTF 2023

26th of October to 29th of October the norwegian CTF team WackAttack organized a CTF. The following writeups are for 4 out of 7 pwn challenges I solved during the competition. Welcome loevland@h...


CSAW’23 qualifiers took place from September 15th to September 17th this year. The challenges from the qualifier can be found here. Intro my_first_pwnie This challenge was ment to be a intro to ...

OP Holmgang 2023

20-21. September kjørte Kripos en ny runde med OP Holmgang. CTFen er litt annerledes enn de “standard” CTFene, fordi man blir presentert med en del bevismateriale (man får ei mappe med en god del r...

DUCTF23 - Eight Five Four Five

Eight Five Four Five Disclaimer: This is the first blockchain challenge I have done, so the technical aspects about smart contracts for this writeup can be inaccurate. The contract for this chal...

SekaiCTF 2023

SekaiCTF was an intermediate-level 48-hour CTF hosted by the team Project Sekai, and contained a lot of interesting challenges. The following challenge-writeups are for two of the challenges I solv...


LITCTF (Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF) was a CTF that ran for just over 2,5 days with the categories Web, Rev, Pwn, Misc and Crypto. There were a lot of challenges (especially when playing a...

NahamCon CTF 2023

NahamCon CTF was a 48 hour CTF with a lot of challenges in many different categories. I unfortunately missed most of the first day of the competition, but luckily I was still able to solve some of ...

Cryptoverse CTF 2023

These are my writeups for all the pwn-challenges at Cryptoverse CTF 2023. Acceptance Difficulty: Easy I want to go out but I need to ask my mom first. Help me guys! Files: acceptance We...

TAMUctf 2023

I did some of the pwn-challenges from TAMUctf 2023, which was a 48 hour ctf. The following writeups are for the pwn-challenges I solved. Their github repo with the challenges can be found here. In...

Ångstrom 2023

These are the writeups for the challenges I solved during the Ångstrom 2023 ctf. Misc Meow meow? nc challs.actf.co 31337 Author: JoshDaBosh Connect to the server to get the flag $ nc challs.act...