
Cybsec X Oslo CTF 2024

My First Overflow Connecting to the remote instance with netcat we are given some of the source code for the challenge. struct file_data { char buf[32]; char path[64]; uint32_t size;...

Amateurs CTF 2024 - Heaps-of-fun

heaps-of-fun was a heap exploit challenge from Amateurs CTF 2024 which involved exploiting the tcache and a Use-After-Free vulnerability in the program. Challenge files can be found here. Initia...

Dice CTF 2024 - Baby-talk

baby-talk was a pwn challenge from Dice CTF 2024. The challenge involves exploiting the heap with the House of Einherjar attack. Challenge files can be found here. Initial Analysis Before we begin...

Etjenesten23 - Oppdrag

Initiell aksess 2.0.1_manipulaite_1 Vi får info om et treningsopplegg for social engineering i INTREPen til oppdraget. Vi kan koble til denne med nc manipulaite 8880. Denne oppgaven består av at ma...

Etjenesten23 - Grunnleggende

1.1_scoreboard Første grunnleggende oppgave viser oss hvordan vi skal submitte flaggene vi finner. Vi har fått ei FLAGG fil som viser kommandoen vi må bruke. login@corax:~/1_grunnleggende/1_scorebo...

NewportBlake CTF 2023

Ribbit Initial Analysis If we run the given binary it asks for some input, and then nothing more happens. loevland@hp-envy:~/ctf/nbctf/ribbit$ ./ribbit Can you give my pet frog some motivation to...

GlacierCTF 2023 - Losifier

Los-ifier Initial Analysis We are given a binary and Dockerfile. The binary is statically linked, meaning that it contains functions that usually are located in libc (dynamically linked). loevlan...

Equinor CTF 2023

The 11th of November Equinor Cyber Defence Center hosted Equinor CTF 2023. The challenges from the CTF can be found here. Pwn Easypwn loevland@hp-envy:~/ctf/ept/pwn/easypwn$ ./easypwn Hello! Wha...

WackAttack CTF 2023

26th of October to 29th of October the norwegian CTF team WackAttack organized a CTF. The following writeups are for 4 out of 7 pwn challenges I solved during the competition. Welcome loevland@h...


CSAW’23 qualifiers took place from September 15th to September 17th this year. The challenges from the qualifier can be found here. Intro my_first_pwnie This challenge was ment to be a intro to ...